Saturday, February 24, 2007

hiding under beds

hiding under beds
names forgotten
the stillness gone
wandered out into the wilds
leaped out of the window
did the stillness

and under beds
there may be safety
but only for the good
only for the listeners
for children must obey
mustn't they

children must be taught
with deeds of wisdom
deeds of caring
all thoughts that would
hold badness
in their small and lovely hands
should be driven
be banished
far from the loving home

a father knows the world
too well
has seen the ugly and impure
the bitter failings
one must endure
he knows that children
who resist
and cannot see the
rightness of his way
will bring but shame
bring but heartache
into the home

hiding under beds
can close their eyes
but for a moment
can brave the dark
and the ogres it protects
but there are demons
with gentle faces
and sorrowed lips
searching under beds


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